How To Achieve Freedom With An Online Business (AS A BROKE BEGINNER)


Why Most People Start An Online Business

Most people that start an online business or any business for that matter want freedom. You want the freedom to do what you want, where you want, with who you want. That’s the main reason any entrepreneur gets into business for the most part. They have a real innate need for freedom.


What Freedom Gives Us

We want freedom because it allows us to control our destiny in every aspect of life. Entrepreneurs view having a job as working on someone else’s dreams and being controlled by someone else’s schedule. Freedom gives us complete control of our destiny and that really excites us. This gets us up in the morning and creates the energy we need. 


Social Conditioning

The problem with this is society tells us it’s almost impossible to succeed in business. It’s too risky and we are highly likely to fail, so why even try. Only lucky or privileged people succeed in building an online business. We should be happy with the security of our day job. What society tells us is really made to keep us as cogs in the wheel. Society needs to work efficiently and for that to happen most people need to work a job. This is why there’s such a big focus on security and your friends and family give you weird looks when you say you want to start a business.


Is Starting A Business Really That Much More Risky?

The reality is, you have no more security in a job than you do with starting an online business. The only difference with a job is that you can be fired at any moment. This means that your destiny is in someone else’s hands. With an online business, your destiny remains in your hands. This doesn’t mean that starting an online business is easier than having a job though. 

Obviously, it takes a lot of work and determination to achieve success in building your online business. But, that’s why the reward for doing so is much greater once you achieve it. The fact is, you can see examples of online business success all around you. 80% of millionaires are self-made, meaning they created that wealth from scratch. They’re not any smarter or better than you.


Get A Plan

If you’re starting with nothing and want to build an online business, you need a plan. If you don’t have it, you’ll be out there searching for years, trying to figure out what works. The best plans come from people who’ve already achieved the success you’re after. Other people have already gone out and done all the failing for you and talk about it on the internet to make themselves feel better, like me, so you can take one of these plans and implement it yourself.

You can use a paid plan like the Drop Servicing Blueprint, which I’d really like you to do, but in this article, we’re going in-depth into how you can build your online business as a broke beginner, so you can use a free tutorial on Drop Servicing like this video here.


Organize Your Resources

Organize your resources, so you know what you have to work with. Starting an online business takes time, money, and energy. It’s up to you to determine how much of each you have to invest in your business. The more the better, but something is better than nothing. You need time, to implement the steps, money, so you can pay for things like people and software, and energy, so you don’t procrastinate and be lazy.


Get Your First Sales With Free Methods

The great thing about drop servicing for those of you new to this is you can get your first sales for free as we show in a lot of our other videos. Once you follow a plan to build your online business, like we showed above, and you consistently implement it by managing your resources properly, you can reinvest into your business. 

So, follow the plan I lay out in my YouTube videos to get your first sales for free. Initially, you’ll be investing your time in building your business. Then, once it starts to get sales and traction, you can reinvest that money back into your business to automate.


Reinvest Capital Back Into Your Business

You can invest into scaling up your marketing campaigns so you can put more offers out there or you can invest in the automation of your business which is what we’re discussing here. The way you do that is by using both people and software to automate different aspects of your business. The thing you need to remember is the more of your business you do yourself the more profit you get to keep. The more of your business you automate the higher your costs, but the more time you have, which is the freedom aspect right. So I recommend only automating to the point that you’re still consistently hitting your target income number, whatever the amount of money you need is to be able to live the life of freedom you’re after with your online business.


Make Sure Your Systems Work Before Automating

Perfect your systems before you automate. You don’t want to automate until you know the system is working, If you automate beforehand you’re going to simply automate a broken system that will fail a lot faster without you. As you scale and automate your business, you will need to continuously optimize and improve your business by tracking the results of each system. 

As you automate and scale, problems will become more apparent and this will also give you further opportunities to improve. Just ensure you’ve done what you can to make sure it works. In other words, getting sales before you take yourself out of the equation. Just make sure you also don’t wait too long to automate because you think only you could possibly implement each part of the system. This will really hinder your growth over the long term. 


Automate Service Delivery

So, this is the order you should automate your business to achieve freedom. First of all, you should automate the delivery of your services. That’s the whole point of drop servicing. If you’re delivering the services yourself, you’re a freelancer. You need to really do your research on the best freelancing teams to deliver your service. Focus on making sure they can deliver the services to your standards by going deep into their past work, reviews, and case studies. 


Automate Admin & Marketing

Once you’ve automated the delivery of your services, it’s time to automate as much of the admin and marketing of your services. For example, if you’re currently manually running your cold email campaigns, you should automate them with software to generate leads such as LeadFuze and automate the emailing itself using software like Woodpecker. Then, you can hire a virtual assistant and train them in how to manage your systems.


Automate Sales Process

With Drop Servicing, you can start businesses where you can sell low-ticket services, such as resume writing, directly on your website for a few hundred dollars, so in those cases, this doesn’t so much apply. But, if your service is selling for thousands or tens of thousands, you’re going to need to do sales calls, which I recommend you automate last. 

However, some do choose to automate from the beginning. Automating the calls is awesome. I used to do sales calls in airports, restaurants, and one time in Disneyland. It’s so great once you automate your sales calls so that you can fully enjoy the freedom you want in your online business.

The reason you should automate in this order is that it’s ranked in terms of what’s easiest in general to automate and what is least essential for you to be managing yourself.


The Steps To Freedom

To go from completely broke to achieving full freedom with an online business, you’re going to need to be disciplined. First of all, you need that plan which is easily obtained these days. You have people teaching online business all over the place. Just make sure they actually show you their results so you know they’re legit. 

Once you have the plan, you need to consistently implement it by managing all of the resources at your disposal. If you consistently implement a good plan, you will get results. The first stage of your business you are doing a lot of the procedures yourself because you need to develop and systemize everything to make sure it works. The positive of this stage is you keep all of the profit for yourself. 

But, at a certain point, you will be earning so much money in your online business that you will want to regain some of your time. This is only done through the process of automation. It should be done slowly and methodically, only automating the parts of your business that you have perfected the systems for, so you can simply plug in a software or person into your working systems. 

As you begin to automate, you want to keep track of all of the numbers in your business to make sure that everything is still working fine. Only automate to the point that you are still earning the target income to live a life of freedom. It’s always going to be a balance between how much money you’re earning and how much free time you have. However, it can easily be scaled to the point that you have complete time freedom while easily surpassing your target income number consistently.